Effects of longitudinal (J Z) and transverse (including spin-flip J X and pair-hopping J P terms) Hund's couplings on Mott transitions of two-orbital Hubbard models are studied by the rotationally invariant salve boson approach. We show that in the half-filled asymmetric systems, the orbital selective Mott phase (OSMP) expands with increasing J X,P /J Z when J X,P /J Z < 1, and has the largest region in the isotropic case (J X,P /J Z = 1) ; and further increasing spin-flip Hund's coupling to J X,P /J Z > 1 may quickly suppress the OSMP state. In other near-half-filled systems, the transverse Hund's coupling favors or unfavors the OSMP state, depending on the electronic correlation strength of the systems. In the quarter-filled and around systems, a small J X,P /J Z < 1 has less effect on Mott transition, while a largeJ X,P /J Z > 1 enhances the electron itineracy and considerably increases the critical correlation strength of the Mott transition both in symmetric and asymmetric systems. These results could be addressed by different spin-orbital states favored by J X ,J P and J Z components, respectively; and the competing longitudinal and transverse Hund's coupling terms lead to most strong quantum fluctuations in the isotropic system.