The effect of short-term ammonia starvation on Nitrosospira briensis was investigated. The ammonia-oxidizing activity was determined in a concentrated cell suspension with a NO x biosensor. The apparent halfsaturation constant [K m(app) ] value of the NH 3 oxidation of N. briensis was 3 M NH 3 for cultures grown both in continuous and batch cultures as determined by a NO x biosensor. Cells grown on the wall of the vessel had a lower K m(app) value of 1.8 M NH 3 . Nonstarving cultures of N. briensis showed potential ammonia-oxidizing activities of between 200 to 250 M N h ؊1 , and this activity decreased only slowly during starvation up to 10 days. Within 10 min after the addition of fresh NH 4 ؉ , 100% activity was regained. Parallel with activity measurements, amoA mRNA and 16S rRNA were investigated. No changes were observed in the 16S rRNA, but a relative decrease of amoA mRNA was observed during the starvation period. During resuscitation, an increase in amoA mRNA expression was detected simultaneously. The patterns of the soluble protein fraction of a 2-week-starved culture of N. briensis showed only small differences in comparison to a nonstarved control. From these results we conclude that N. briensis cells remain in a state allowing fast recovery of ammoniaoxidizing activity after addition of NH 4 ؉ to a starved culture. Maintaining cells in this kind of active state could be the survival strategy of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in nature under fluctuating NH 4 ؉ availability.Chemolithoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) generate their energy by oxidizing ammonia (NH 3 ) to nitrite (NO 2 Ϫ ) and fix carbon via the Calvin cycle (3, 53). The oxidation of NH 3 to NO 2 Ϫ is a two-step process, where NH 3 is first oxidized to hydroxylamine (NH 2 OH) catalyzed by ammonia monooxygenase. The NH 2 OH is further oxidized to NO 2 Ϫ catalyzed by the hydroxylamine oxidoreductase, which is the energy-generating step of the ammonia oxidation (3, 53). AOB often live in close proximity to nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and together they convert the most reduced form of nitrogen (NH 4 ϩ ) to the most oxidized (NO 3 Ϫ ) (40). In nature, AOB often face longer periods of NH 4 ϩ starvation and limitation due to low nitrogen input, low mineralization rates, or competition with other AOB (8), heterotrophic bacteria (48, 49), or plants (5,6,50). In order to respond rapidly when NH 4 ϩ becomes available, AOB must maintain their ability to oxidize NH 4 ϩ during these periods. With the exception of a few marine strains within the genus Nitrosococcus (of the ␥-subclass of the Proteobacteria), all known AOB belong to a distinct clade within the -subclass of the Proteobacteria (13), which comprises 11 clusters (37). By using 16S rRNA gene and more recently amoA gene sequencing, directly from environmental samples, the distribution of the members of the different clusters of AOB has been correlated to the characteristics of the environments (29, 37). The starvation behavior of several AOB belonging to different phylogenetic groups ...