ABSTRACT-Variation m denitnfication rates, nitrous oxide fluxes and nitrate concentrabon of the overlying water were studied over 1 yr in sedlments from the intertidal zone in the western Wadden Sea, The Netherlands. Denitrification rates were highest in winter and early spring, while in summer the rates were low. Maximum rate was 55 ,urn01 N m-2 h-'; minimum rate was 1 ~imol N m-2 h-' N20 fluxes were from the sediment to the water column in winter and early spring (maximum 0.6 pm01 N m-2 h-'), while in summer fluxes from the water column to the sediment were recorded (maxlmum -0.3 wmol N m -2 h-' ) . For marine systems this is the first hme that N20 influxes into the sediment over a considerable part of the year are reported. On an annual basis the denitrification rate and N20 flux were 110 mm01 N m-' yr-l and 0.3 mm01 N m-2 yr-l respectively. Denitrification rates and NO; fluxes were coupled to the NOT concentration in the overlying water, as confirmed by NOT enrichment experiments.