Abstract. Cho and Kim [4] have introduced the concept of the competition index of a digraph. Similarly, the competition index of an n × n Boolean matrix A is the smallest positive integer q such that A q+i (A T ) q+i = A q+r+i (A T ) q+r+i for some positive integer r and every nonnegative integer i, where A T denotes the transpose of A. In this paper, we study the upper bound of the competition index of a Boolean matrix. Using the concept of Boolean rank, we determine the upper bound of the competition index of a nearly reducible Boolean matrix.
Preliminaries and notationsIn this paper, we follow the terminology and notation used in [3,7]. A Boolean matrix is a matrix over the binary Boolean algebra {0, 1}. For m × n Boolean matrices A = (a ij ) and B = (b ij ), we say that B is dominated by A (denoted by B ≤ A) if b ij ≤ a ij for all i and j. We denote the m × n all-ones Boolean matrix by J m,n (and by J n if m = n), the m × n all-zeros Boolean matrix by O m,n (and by O n if m = n), and the n × n identity Boolean matrix by I n . The subscripts m and n will be omitted whenever their values are clear from the context. Let D = (V, E) denote a digraph (directed graph) with vertex set