did not consistently control weeds from year to year, two or more BR mowings consistently controlled weeds Alternative ways are needed to control weeds in field crops that in this BR-mowing weed management system (Donald, reduce or prevent both herbicide contamination of surface and ground water and soil erosion. A new weed management system, which con-2000b). It is not known, however, how to best time BR sisted of band-applied herbicides over the soybean [Glycine max mowing to most effectively or flexibly control weeds (L.) Merr., 'Morsoy 9137'] row and two or more between-row (BR) and reduce weed competition in soybean. Neither the mowings, was optimized in a soybean field near Columbia, MO. Beoptimum timing between starting and stopping BR tween-row mowing very close to the soil surface twice with a mower mowing nor the optimum frequency of mowing (two or killed or suppressed annual grass and broadleaf weeds, chiefly giant three mowings per growing season) are known. Knowlfoxtail (Setaria faberi R. Herrm.), common ragweed (Ambrosia aredge of how to best time BR mowing to optimize weed temisiifolia L.), and waterhemp species (Amaranthus spp.), when control would allow greater flexibility in using the BRproperly timed. When band-applied herbicide controlled weeds within mowing weed management system.
the crop row, annual weeds between rows could be mowed once whenManagement decisions concerning when and how frethe tallest weeds were 8 to 24 cm tall and again just before crop canopy closure, without yield loss. No more than two BR mowings quently to mow weeds between rows will likely depend were needed to control annual weeds. Shading by crop canopy closure upon weed species and density, as well as the relative contributed to weed suppression in this BR-mowing weed managetimes of emergence and relative growth rates of weeds ment system. Soybean yield in the BR-mowing weed management compared with the crop. Crop management practices system could not be statistically distinguished from hoed, weed-free that stimulate early crop canopy closure, such as narrow check plots or broadcast-herbicide treatments and was greater than row spacing, fertilization for optimum yield, or early the weedy check plots. Herbicide use was reduced 50% by banding planting, may affect the number and timing of BR mowbecause only 50% of the field area was sprayed. The BR-mowing ings required for acceptable weed control. Crop canopy weed management system may have use in environmentally sensitive closure will likely limit the window of opportunity for areas to help reduce soil erosion and/or water contamination by her-BR mowing because vehicle traffic will likely damage bicides.Abbreviations: BR, between row; IR, in row. Published in Agron.