The two major nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain are the a4b2 and a7 subtypes. A "methyl scan" of the pyrrolidinium ring was used to detect differences in nicotine's interactions with these two receptors. Each methylnicotine was investigated using voltage-clamp and radioligand binding techniques. Methylation at each ring carbon elicited unique changes in nicotine's receptor interactions. Replacing the 19-N-methyl with an ethyl group or adding a second 19-N-methyl group significantly reduced interaction with a4b2 but not a7 receptors. The 29-methylation uniquely enhanced binding and agonist potency at a7 receptors. Although 39-and 59-trans-methylations were much better tolerated by a7 receptors than a4b2 receptors, 49-methylation decreased potency and efficacy at a7 receptors much more than at a4b2 receptors. Whereas cis-59-methylnicotine lacked agonist activity and displayed a low affinity at both receptors, trans-59-methylnicotine retained considerable a7 receptor activity. Differences between the two 59-methylated analogs of the potent pyridyl oxymethylene-bridged nicotine analog A84543 were consistent with what was found for the 59-methylnicotines. Computer docking of the methylnicotines to the Lymnaea acetylcholine binding protein crystal structure containing two persistent waters predicted most of the changes in receptor affinity that were observed with methylation, particularly the lower affinities of the cis-methylnicotines. The much smaller effects of 19-, 39-, and 59-methylations and the greater effects of 29and 49-methylations on nicotine a7 nAChR interaction might be exploited for the design of new drugs based on the nicotine scaffold.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTUsing a comprehensive "methyl scan" approach, we show that the orthosteric binding sites for acetylcholine and nicotine in the two major brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors interact differently with the pyrrolidinium ring of nicotine, and we suggest reasons for the higher affinity of nicotine for the heteromeric receptor. Potential sites for nicotine structure modification were identified that may be useful in the design of new drugs targeting these receptors.The views presented in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the US Food and Drug Administration. No official endorsement is intended nor should be inferred.