In modern conditions, when market factors have gained even more influence, and the behavior of business structures has become less predictable, companies have to rethink their activities and focus on using the concept of marketing as a management tool. The growth of competition has created conditions for the active use of a marketing approach in order to solve management and sales tasks and increase competitive advantages. The chronology of the development of marketing, which includes 6 main stages, was studied. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “marketing” are analyzed, among which the following are distinguished: philosophical, managerial, organizational, functional, essential, valuable and institutional. Marketing is an activity aimed to generate demand, promote the company’s products/services, attract the attention of consumers and satisfy their needs through the purchase process. The main elements of the marketing strategy were characterized, namely: analysis of the promotion market, research of the target audience, definition of competitors, analysis of the current state of the company, definition of development goals, positioning and development of advertising promotion. The object of the study was the IT company “Uvik Software”, which has been operating on the market since 2013 and specializes in IT services. The current state of marketing activities of the IT company “Uvik Software” was analyzed. A marketing strategy was developed for the IT company “Uvik Software”, in particular, a market analysis was carried out, an analysis of competitors and their products, an analysis of the target audience (a portrait of the target audience was drawn up according to the following parameters: industry, location, financial condition, number of employees and necessary services), carried out SWOT analysis of the company, development goals (business goals, marketing goals, communication goals and media goals), positioning and advertising promotion advice are given. A content plan of publications for the company under study has been created.