His research interests include process mining, workfl ow management, discrete event simulation, and healthcare. Contact him at r.s.mans@tue.nl.HAJO REIJERS is a professor of business informatics in the computer science department of VU University Amsterdam. His research and teaching focus on process-aware information systems, business process improvement, and process modeling. Contact him at h.a.reijers@vu.nl. DANIEL WISMEIJER is professor of oral implantology and prosthetic dentistry at ACTA Amsterdam, which he combines with his referral practice. He's chair and head of the Oral Function and Restorative Dentistry section. His research interests include CAD/CAM, digital dentistry, implant surface and bone substitute optimization, peri-implantitis, and the evaluation of different implant-based treatment modalities. Contact him at d.wismeijer@acta.nl.
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