The aim of this study was to provide an overview of field measured root systems of common legume species growing under different environmental conditions in the Czech Republic. The plants, 214 individuals of 21 selected legume species from the tribes Galegeae (Astragalus glycyphyllos, Lupinus polyphyllus), Genisteae (Cytisus scoparius, Genista tinctoria), Loteae (Anthyllis vulneraria, Lotus corniculatus, Securigera varia), Trifolieae (Trifolium arvense, T. campestre, T. medium, T. pratense, T. repens) and Vicieae (Lathyrus pratensis, L. sylvestris, Vicia angustifolia, V. cracca, V. hirsuta), were collected using the monolith method from 27 sites. A rhizome was present in seven species and the maximum branching order was three for 15 species and five for five species. Recovery buds were recorded on the root system of eight species and woodiness was recorded in 11 species. Root diameter ranged from 1 to 12 mm -the minimum diameter was recorded in annuals and the maximum in perennials. The colour of the root system ranged from light to dark. In six species, young roots were light and older roots were dark. Globose, cylindrical, branched, fan-like and ruff-like nodules were recorded. Only one type of nodule shape was recorded in 11 species, two in seven species and three or four in three species. Nodules measured up to 2 mm in nine species, from 2 to 4 mm in three species and more than 4 mm in nine species. Legume root systems are highly variable and the variability was due to Raunkier's life forms rather than membership of a tribe.