Processing fresh chili into various chili products can generate added value. This study aims to assess the added value gained by processing fresh chili into its products and its challenges. Primary data was obtained through interviews using a structured questionnaire with the management of KWT Intan in Ciwidey, Bandung, which processes fresh chili into dried chili, chili powder, and chili sauce (sambal). This research was conducted in October 2019. Added value was calculated quantitatively using the Hayami method. The results show that the added value generated from processing fresh chili into dried chili is 17,743 IDR/kg, chili powder is 71,053 IDR/kg, and sambal is 326,128 IDR/kg. The results indicate the greatest added value obtained by processing fresh chili into sambal, which is a final product. However, developing the added value of chili products faces some challenges. The utilization of facility assistance and human resource skills is still limited, while consumers still prefer to consume fresh chili than processed ones. In an effort to increase the added value of chili and improve farmers' income, the government is expected to provide relevant regulations and assistance in the form of processing facilities and infrastructure as well as training, socialization, and promotion.