Introduction 1 Acknowledgments 2 Drill hole location 2 Field and laboratory procedures 3 Geologic setting 3 Physiography and surficial geology 3 Tertiary bedrock 4 Lithologic description of cored strata of the Tyonek Formation 4 Depositional environment model 4 Lithologic distribution 6 Geotechnical results and interpretation 6 Durability 6 Slake-durability-index test 7 Sandstone units 8 Strength 10 Point-load-strength test 10 Laboratory unconfined compressive strength 12 Grain, natural bulk, and dry bulk density 15 Grain-size distribution, Atterberg limits, and activity index 15 Clay mineralogy 16 Geochemical analysis 16 Ultrasonic compressional-and shear-wave velocity 17 Compressional-wave velocity 20 Shear-wave velocity 20 Dynamic Poisson's ratio and elastic moduli 21 Geophysical logging and ground water 22 Capps coal field 22 Drill hole USGS 1 C-79 22 Drill hole USGS 2C-80 23 Chuitna coal field 23 Drill hole USGS CW 81-2 23 Drill hole USGS CE 82-1 24 Conclusions 25 References cited 25 Contents Ill Contents V