We investigate the pairwise mutual information and transfer entropy of ten-channel, free-running electroencephalographs measured from thirteen subjects under two behavioral conditions: eyes open resting and eyes closed resting. Mutual information measures nonlinear correlations; transfer entropy determines the directionality of information transfer. For all Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2012.17:9-18. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by on 06/20/16. For personal use only.10 M. D. Madulara et al.channel pairs, mutual information is generally lower with eyes open compared to eyes closed indicating that EEG signals at different scalp sites become more dissimilar as the visual system is engaged. On the other hand, transfer entropy increases on average by almost twofold when the eyes are opened. The largest one-way transfer entropies are to and from the Oz site consistent with the involvement of the occipital lobe in vision. The largest net transfer entropies are from F3 and F4 to almost all the other scalp sites.