Strategies for Initiating a Personal Assessment T here is so much for occupational health nurses to do, and so much they would like and want to do, but it is difficult for them to make time for themselves. How can occupational health nurses authentically support clients on a journey of self care if they do not understand the struggles along the way? To give to others, nurses need to nourish all aspects of self. The self extends far beyond the needs of the physical body. Therefore, giving of the self requires self nurturance of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects (Burkhardt, 200 I). Self care is a matter of giving oneself permission to take the time, to make the commitment,-itnd to negotiate the roadblocks. How can occupational health nurses be fully present in the work setting and alert to the many faceted needs of employees if they are distracted by their own unmet needs? Holistic self care attends to the needs of the whole person, and although the effects of body, mind, and spirit cannot be separated from the whole, bringing attention to each component can help nurses set the intention to care for their whole selves. According to Dossey (2000b), "When nurses live and practice from a holistic perspec-ABOUT THE AUTHOR