There is an increasing need in modern VLSI designs for circuits implemented in high-performance logic families such as Cascode Voltage Switch Logic (CVSL), Pass Transistor Logic (PTL), and domino CMOS. Circuits designed in these noncomplementary ratioed logic families can be highly irregular, with complex diffusion sharing and nontrivial routing. Traditional digital cell layout synthesis tools derived from the highly stylized "functional cell" style break down when confronted with such circuit topologies. These cells require a full-custom, two-dimensional layout style which currently requires skilled manual design. In this work we propose a methodology for the synthesis of such complex noncomplementary digital cell layouts. We describe a new algorithm which permits the concurrent optimization of transistor chain placement and the ordering of the transistors within these diffusion-sharing chains. The primary mechanism for supporting this concurrent optimization is the placement of transistor subchains, diffusion-break-free components of the full transistor chains. When a chain is reordered, transistors may move from one subchain (and therefore one placement component) to another. We will demonstrate how this permits the chain ordering to be optimized for both intra-chain and inter-chain routing. We combine our placement algorithms with third-party routing and compaction tools, and present the results of a series of experiments which compare our technique with a commercial cell synthesis tool. These experiments make use of a new set of benchmark circuits which provide a rich sample of representative examples in several noncomplementary digital logic families.