amplifiers has negligible effect in reducing steady state gain variations, as seen in Figure 2, but the fluctuating ASE power will induce dynamic gain fluctuations, which will increase as the ASE power cumulates. Hence, although optical packet switched traffic load is random, cumulated ASE power may induce resonant oscillations, which will result in power penalties as heavy as those found in resonant traffic load of a solitary amplifier such as reported in Ref. 10.
CONCLUSIONSThe growth of the ASE power can lead to a superlinear accumulation of dynamic gain fluctuations of an EDFA chain, reducing the transmission distance in packetized links. Although gain clamping efficiency reduced gain variations to less than 0.04 dB for steady traffic changes, cumulated dynamic fluctuations can impair packet switched traffic by as much as 2 dB, either affecting the full packet or depleting its header or payload power.
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