DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2016.10.008
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Complementary person-supervisor fit: An investigation of supplies-values (S-V) fit, leader-member exchange (LMX) and work outcomes

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Cited by 67 publications
(76 citation statements)
References 83 publications
(179 reference statements)
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“…Needs‐supplies fit theory focuses on the degree and type of fit (misfit) between the amount of resources needed or preferred by an individual and resources supplied by the environment. Extending this logic to the LMX context, it could be of interest to assess the fit between LMX resources received versus needed, in line with recent research on LMX quality and leadership styles (e.g., Lambert, Tepper, Carr, Holt, & Barelka, ; Marstand, Martin, & Epitropaki, ). Research on needs‐supplies fit has used importance as a moderator of the strength of the relationship between needs‐supplies fit and outcomes (e.g., Edwards, ; Kristof, ; Locke, ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Needs‐supplies fit theory focuses on the degree and type of fit (misfit) between the amount of resources needed or preferred by an individual and resources supplied by the environment. Extending this logic to the LMX context, it could be of interest to assess the fit between LMX resources received versus needed, in line with recent research on LMX quality and leadership styles (e.g., Lambert, Tepper, Carr, Holt, & Barelka, ; Marstand, Martin, & Epitropaki, ). Research on needs‐supplies fit has used importance as a moderator of the strength of the relationship between needs‐supplies fit and outcomes (e.g., Edwards, ; Kristof, ; Locke, ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These reasons can be valid enough to give organization an ability to retain its employees. This is supported [39] where LMX plays a significant role in the motivation of employees which determines the workplace outcomes [32] in turn retaining the employees [38]. Thus, it can be concluded that the general understanding of a well-treated employee is that he or she shall project loyalty and serve longer in the organization as a projection of appreciation towards the supervisors and the organization.…”
Section: H3: There Is a Relationship Between Lmx And Retentionmentioning
confidence: 81%
“…It was found that turnover intention was negatively linked with LMX [31]. Therefore, LMX is said to be associated with positive outcomes for employees and career success within an organization [27] [32] It was proven that the outcomes of LMX is related to the behavior of a leader which comprises feedback and positive outcome. Thus, a positive quality of the LMX relationship is reciprocately postulated as employees in the organization are more comfortable with the leader's positive treatment [33] as this perception leads to supervisor being supportive towards employees.…”
Section: Leader Member Exchange (Lmx)mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The reciprocal norm underlies social exchange relationships which show that when leaders give followers LMX quality values are improved, which causes these employees to take back actions in positive attitudes and behaviours. Thus it can be said that complementarity (and mutual benefit) is the core of LMX theory which shows that complementary styles are important for LMX quality [7].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%