Concrete's durability is currently a frequently discussed topic. The determination of concrete's durability is rather difficult since it depends on a number of factors, out of which the surface-layer quality is very important. One of the options for assessing its quality is the determination of concrete's resistance to water and de-icing chemicals. The testing is based on loading the concrete by cyclic freezing and thawing during the simultaneous action of a thawing solution. The damage to the surface layer manifests itself as scaling, i.e., the loss of small scales from the surface of the material. The resistance of concrete to water and de-icing chemicals can be determined by means of several methods; however, a universal method of evaluation has not yet been established in Europe. The goal of the experiment described here was to assess the influence of fresh concrete's composition on its resistance to water and de-icing chemicals using two different measurement methods (method A and C). A total of 9 fresh concrete mixtures were designed, from which specimens were made. The experiment was created and evaluated using the statistical method DOE (Design of Experiment). Based on the tests performed, it can be stated that a change in the content of cement and plasticiser in fresh concrete is visible in the results of both methods. However, more so in the results for method C, which is generally more sensitive to changes in fresh concrete's composition. Keywords: concrete, resistance, durability, de-icing chemicals Zdr`ljivost betona je pogosto obravnavana tema. Dolo~anje zdr`ljivosti betona je precej te`ko, ker je odvisno od {tevilnih faktorjev, med katerimi je pomembna tudi kvaliteta povr{inske plasti. Ena od opcij dolo~anja njene kvalitete, je dolo~anje odpornosti betona na vodo in na kemikalije proti zmrzovanju. Preizkus temelji na izpostavitvi betona cikli~nemu zamrzovanju in odtaljevanju s simultanim delovanjem raztopine za odtaljevanje. Po{kodbe povr{inskega sloja se ka`ejo kot lu{~enje povr{ine materiala. Odpornost betona na vodo in kemikalije za raztaljevanje se lahko dolo~i z ve~metodami; vendar pa univerzalna metoda za oceno tega v Evropi {e ni vzpostavljena. Cilj opisanih eksperimentov je bil oceniti vpliv sestavo sve`ega betona glede na njegovo odpornost na vodo in na kemikalije za raztaljevanje, z uporabo dveh metod (metoda A in C). Skupno je bilo pripravljenih 9 sve`ih betonskih me{anic iz katerih so bili izdelani vzorci. Eksperimenti so bili postavljeni in izvedeni z uporabo statisti~ne metode DOE (postavitev preizkusa). Na podlagi izvedenih preizkusov se lahko zaklju~i, da se spremembe v vsebnosti cementa in plastifikatorja v sve`em betonu poka`ejo pri obeh metodah. Vendar so bolj izrazite pri rezultatih metode C, ki je na splo{no bolj ob~utljiva na spremembe v sestavi sve`ega betona.