ABSTRAK Upaya untuk meningkatkan dan memelihara kesehatan masyarakat termasuk lanjut usia dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip non diskriminatif, partisipatif, dan berkelanjutan. Setiap upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat merupakan investasi bagi pembangunan negara. Prinsip non diskriminatif mengandung makna bahwa semua masyarakat harus mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan termasuk lanjut usia (Lansia). Penuaan di negara sedang berkembang berjalan dengan cepat dan diikuti dengan perubahan dinamis dalam struktur dan peran keluarga, di samping pola perburuhan dan migrasi. Urbanisasi, migrasi orang muda ke perkotaan mencari pekerjaan, banyaknya perempuan masuk angkatan kerja dan perubahan keluarga besar ke arah keluarga inti, mengakibatkan lebih sedikit orang yang bersedia merawat lanjut usia yang membutuhkan bantuan. Perubahan fisiologis pada lansia terutama perubahan jantung mengakibatkan terjadinya resiko tinggi mengalami peningkatan kolesterol dan arterosklerosis, sehingga lansia rentan menderita penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Metode yang digunakan adalah home care, dapat membantu lansia penderita PJK untuk memahami lebih terperinci dengan penjelasan mendalam tentang PJK. Jumlah lansia penderita PJK sejumlah 21 orang dan diharapkan hal ini berguna untuk mengontrol kadar kolesterol pada lansia penderita PJK. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat di dapatkan tingkat pengetahuan lansia tentang PJK mengalami peningkatan yaitu rata – rata hasil pre-test (59,42), rata – rata hasil post-test (76). Perkembangan hasil kadar kolesterol darah rata – rata sebelum diberikan edukasi (203,95 mg/dL), kadar kolesterol rata – rata setelah di berikan edukasi (190,28 mg/dL). Pemberian edukasi tentang PJK dan kontrol kolesterol secara teratur dapat meningkatkan pola hidup sehat lansia dan mengontrol kadar kolesterol. Kata Kunci: Penyakit Jantung Koroner, Lansia, Kolesterol ABSTRACT Efforts to improve and maintain public health, including older adults, are carried out based on non-discriminatory, participatory and, sustainable principles. Every effort to improve public health status is an investment forine country's development. The principle of non-discrimination implies that all people must receive health services, including the r adults. Aging in developing countries is rapid and accompanied by dynamic changes in family structure and roles, as well as labor and migration patterns. Urbanization, the migration of young people to cities looking for work, the large number of women entering the labor force and the, shift of extended families towards nuclear families, resulted in fewer people willing to care for the older adults who needed assistance. Physiological changes in older adults, especially changes in the heart result in a high risk of experiencing increased cholesterol and atherosclerosis, so that the r adults are susceptible to coronary heart disease (CHD). The home care method can help older adults with CHD to understand in more detail with an in-depth explanation of CHD. The number of responderespondentsD is 21 older adults and it is hoped that this will be useful for controlling cholesterol levels in older adults with CHD. The results of community service showed that the level of knowledge of the olddults about CHD has increased, find that the average pre-test result (59.42), thewas aveand rage post-test result (76)was . The results of average blood cholesterol levels before being given education (203.95 mg/dL),and average cholesterol levels after being given education (190.28 mg/dL). Regularly providing education about CHD and cholesterol control could improves the healthy lifestyle of the older adults and control of cholesterol levels. Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease, Older adults, Cholesterol