eWe report herein the draft genome sequence of Mycobacterium intracellulare clinical strain M.i.198, which consistently exhibits hypervirulence in human patients, human macrophages in vitro, and immunocompetent mice. N ontuberculous mycobacteria are of great clinical importance with respect to the recent increasing prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterioses, such as Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease, which is difficult to treat without specific antibiotics (1). However, the bacteriological etiology of nontuberculous mycobacteria remains to be elucidated. We identified a hypervirulent Mycobacterium intracellulare strain (M.i.198) from an immunocompetent patient with pulmonary MAC disease (5). To help understand the genetic background of the virulence, we performed whole-genome sequencing of strain M.i.198.We sequenced M. intracellulare M.i.198 genomic DNA on a Roche 454 FLX Titanium sequencer and assembled the reads using the software program Newbler v2.3. A total of 924,616 reads was generated, with an average read length of 246 bp, yielding a total sequence of 227,524,944 bp.The assembled sequences contained 149 contigs, and the length of all contigs combined was 5,406,664 bp, with a GϩC ratio of 68.0%. The average coverage depth was 42.1ϫ, the N 50 contig size was 90,025 bp, the average contig was 40,008 bp long, and the longest contig was 453,296 bp. The final assembly comprised 122 contigs in five scaffolds (99.7% of contig bases). We constructed an optical map (OpGen) of strain M.i.198 with the NheI restriction enzyme, yielding 311 ordered restriction fragments (average fragment size, 16 kb).