“…Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships in several smaller clades are currently not well understood (e.g., in Avicennia L. [Glasenapp et al., ], Barleria L. [Darbyshire et al., ], Dyschoriste Nees [Chumchim et al., ], Thunbergioideae T. Anderson [Borg et al., ], Ruellia L. [Tripp et al., ]). In addition to this obstacle, the rooting of the Acanthaceae phylogeny is uncertain, as interfamilial relationships in Lamiales remain elusive (Schäferhoff et al., ; Refulio‐Rodriguez and Olmstead, ; Stull et al., ; Wikström et al., ; Chase et al., ; Sarzi et al., ; Xu et al., ). These technical barriers prevent targeted investigations of evolutionary questions within this family.…”