We consider black ring with a cosmological constant in the five dimensional N = 4 de Sitter supergravity theory. Our solution preserves half of the de Sitter supersymmetries and has one rotation symmetry. Unlike the flat case, there is no angular momentum and the stability against gravitational self-attraction is balanced by the cosmological repulsion due to the cosmological constant. Our solution describes a singular black ring since although it has horizons of topology S 1 × S 2 , the horizons are singular. Despite the singularity, our solution displays some interesting regular physical properties: it carries a dipole charge and this charge contributes to the first law of thermodynamics; it has an entropy and mass which conform to the entropic N-bound proposal and the maximal mass conjecture. We conjecture that the Gregory-Laflamme instability leads to a resolution of the singularity and results in a regular black ring.