Abstract.-Data on biodiversity are important to addressing the challenges of sustainable development, and for decision-making about natural resources and environments. Biodiversity information, when mobilized and shared openly, has the potential to impact science and conservation positively. However, biodiversity data mobilization is expensive, such that data mobilization and sharing activities must be prioritized to meet the needs of the user community. In this study, we undertook a detailed assessment of biodiversity data holdings and user needs in Ghana through semi-structured questionnaire interviews, and focus-group discussions in the form of a workshop. Most biodiversity data-holding organizations were at preliminary stages of digital biodiversity data mobilization and sharing. Taxonomic, checklist, and geographic data on plants and animals were identified as most needed. Priority thematic needs were as regards protected areas, invasive alien species, threatened species, economic species (timber and non-timber forest products), and pathogens and diseases. Human and infrastructural capacities, and sustainable coordination were identified as the major challenges to biodiversity data management. This study provides a detailed case study of how assessing biodiversity data holdings and user data needs can be used to strategize biodiversity data mobilization, data publication, and data use activities.Key words.-biodiversity, primary biodiversity data, data mobilization, digitization, Ghana Biological diversity may be defined as the full variation of living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part. This term thus includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems (CBD, 2001). It includes genetic diversity, species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and associated evolutionary and ecological processes. Biodiversity is a compound word derived from biological diversity, and therefore is considered to have the same meaning. Biodiversity is important for human wellbeing: it provides tangible benefits, such as food, clothing, and shelter, as well as intangible benefits such as climate amelioration and clean water (Brauman et al., 2007). However, biodiversity is being lost at unprecedented rates owing to a plethora of factors: deforestation, agricultural expansion, habitat loss, timber extraction, firewood collection, and mineral extraction (Norris et al., 2010). Data on biodiversity are crucial to addressing the challenges of sustainable development and decision-making about natural resources and environments (Chapman, 2005;Sousa-Baena et al., 2013).Biodiversity data include data on species inventories, distributions, images, sounds, specimens, and ecological interactions, as well as descriptions of datasets (i.e., metadata) (Costello et al., 2013). Biodiversity data are basically of two kinds (i.e., primary and secondary), and can be numerical, categorical (e.g., species or place names), or ...