“…A topological/smooth global Kuranishi chart is a quadruple (G, D, E, s) where G is a compact Lie group, D is a topological/smooth manifold endowed with an almost free continuous/smooth G-action, E is a Gequivariant vector bundle over D, and s is a G-equivariant continuous/smooth section of E → D. The equivalence relations introduced in the definition of Ω C,der * have counterparts in this context, but there is an additional equivalence relation between global Kuranishi charts, namely identifying (G, D, E, s) with (G ′ × G, P, q * E, q * s) where q : P → D is a G-equivariant principal G ′ -bundle. This change-of-group operation should be interpreted as choosing different global quotient presentation of the orbifold [D/G], so the arguments in [AMS21] indeed prove the statements in the form of Proposition 1.5.…”