20 asymmetry 21 Word count 7005 22 23 24 Desgrange et al. 2 Summary statement 25Laterality defects, which combine anomalies in several visceral organs, are challenging to phenotype.
26We have now developed a standardised approach for multimodality 3D imaging in mice, generating 27 quantifiable phenotypes. 28 29 Abstract 30 31 Laterality defects are developmental disorders resulting from aberrant left/right patterning. In 32 the most severe cases, such as in heterotaxy, they are associated with complex malformations of the 33 heart. Advances in understanding the underlying physiopathological mechanisms have been hindered 34 by the lack of a standardised and exhaustive procedure in mouse models, for phenotyping left/right 35 asymmetries of all visceral organs. Here, we have developed a multimodality imaging pipeline, which 36 combines non-invasive micro-ultrasound imaging, micro-CT and HREM, to acquire 3D images at 37 multiple stages of development and at multiple scales. Based on the position in the uterine horns, we 38 track, in a single individual, the progression of organ asymmetry, the situs of all visceral organs in 39 their thoracic or abdominal environment, together with fine anatomical left/right asymmetries of 40 cardiac segments. We provide reference anatomical images and organ reconstructions in the mouse, 41 and discuss differences with humans. This standardised pipeline, which we validated in a mouse 42 model of heterotaxy, offers a fast and easy-to-implement framework. The extensive 3D phenotyping 43 of organ asymmetry in the mouse uses the clinical nomenclature for direct comparison with patient 44 phenotypes. It is compatible with automated and quantitative image analyses, which is essential to 45 compare mutant phenotypes with incomplete penetrance and gain mechanistic insight into laterality 46 defects. 47 48 Desgrange et al. 3 Introduction 49 50 Laterality defects are developmental disorders, caused by impaired left-right patterning. They 51 affect collectively up to 1/2,000 live births, and comprise a spectrum of malformations ranging from 52 asymptomatic situs inversus or dextrocardia to severe heterotaxy (Desgrange et al., 2018; Lin et al., 53 2014). Heterotaxy corresponds to abnormal symmetry of the viscera (isomerism), and/or situs 54 discordance between visceral organs (Van Praagh, 2006). Many visceral organs (lung, spleen, 55 stomach, intestine, liver and pancreas) may be targeted and functionally impaired, with an abnormal 56 position in the abdominal or thoracic cavity (situs) or an impaired asymmetric shape. Diagnosis is 57 made on the combination of 3 out of 8 criteria, including abdominal situs abnormality, spleen 58 abnormality, isomerism of bronchi and the lungs, biliary atresia, intestinal malrotation, congenital 59 heart defects, isomerism of the atrial appendages, systemic venous anomalies (Lin et al., 2014). The 60 prognosis of heterotaxy mainly depends on the cardiac malformation, which can be complex, with 61 profound functional impacts, such as abnormal oxygen supply or obst...