The results of numerical modeling of a five-cavity S-band klystron oscillator with delayed feedback are presented. The main oscillation regimes are numerically investigated. An increase in the electron beam current leads to the transition to chaos through the consequence of self-modulation perioddoubling bifurcations.Klystrons are well-known high-power amplifiers. A klystron amplifier can be transformed to a self-excited regenerative oscillator by feeding of part of the output power into the input cavity through a transmission line. Such devices are attractive owing to simplicity of the design, high level of power, and efficiency. Klystrons with delayed feedback have been studied theoretically and experimentally [1][2][3][4]. However, in [1-4] the simplified mathematical models of klystron oscillators based on the delay-differential equations (DDEs) have been used. Such models have some limitations. In particular, the DDE models do not consider self-consistent interaction of electrons with electromagnetic field in the cavities, which is significant in a strongly nonlinear regime. Thus, these models describe well the qualitative behavior of the oscillators but often fail to predict accurately important characteristics of the device such as output power, efficiency, transient time and so on. We use the more rigorous numerical model for simulation of nonlinear dynamics of the five-cavity S-band klystron oscillator with an external delayed feedback. This model is based on the nonstationary Vainshtein theory [5] of cavity excitation and particle-in-cell (PIC) method for simulation of the electron beam dynamics [6].