This paper addresses the problem of computing the family of two-filiform Lie algebra laws of dimension nine using three Lie algebra properties converted into matrix form properties: Jacobi identity, nilpotence and quasi-filiform property. The interest in this family is broad, both within the academic community and the industrial engineering community, since nilpotent Lie algebras are applied in traditional mechanical dynamic problems and current scientific disciplines. The conditions of being quasi-filiform and nilpotent are applied carefully and in several stages, and appropriate changes of the basis are achieved in an iterative and interactive process of simplification. This has been implemented by means of the development of more than thirty Maple modules. The process has led from the first family formulation, with 64 parameters and 215 constraints, to a family of 16 parameters and 17 constraints. This structure theorem permits the exhaustive classification of the quasi-filiform nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension nine with current computational methodologies.