“…Adequate resolution of C-C correlations is key to successful structure determination experiment, because the 5-70 ppm aliphatic region is the fingerprint region for residue types. Well-resolved 13 C-13 C correlations have recently been reported for a number of membrane proteins, including the trimeric autotransporter adhesion protein YadA [170], the potassium channel KcsA-Kv1.3 [178], human aquaporin-1 [179], DsbB [172], proteorhodopsin [180,181], and sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) [182]. NCOCX (for inter-residue along protein backbone), NCACX (for intraresidue), and CONCA (for inter-residue) with 13 C-13 C correlations construct spin systems for individual amino acid residues and connect the spin systems along the amino acid sequence.…”