added at concentrations ю-7 м to реа mesophyll protoplast suspensions were studied. It was demonstrated tlшt IAA and 5,6-DHT decreased tiLe surface potential of Pisum sativum cv. Ran 1 protoplasts. Тhе abllity ofprotoplasts to aggregate was not influenced signijicantly Ьу treatment with the indole derivatives. Aggregation was not changed even if Са 2 + ions were added to the washing solutions. Pyrene test measurements of membrane fluidity of treated and untreated protoplasts did not show signijicant changes evolred Ьу the indole derivatives. The experiments carried out with ( 14 С) laЬelled IAA indicated that the great amount of IAA does not penetrate into the protoplasts. Studying protoplast viaЬility after fusion procedure we found out tlшt the number of dead protoplasts was increased Ьу IPA and 5-НТ treatment. Our results indicate that although indole derivatives tested show some specific interactions with the реа mesophyll protoplasts, changing their surface potential, they are not suitaЫe to Ье used as agentsfacilitating thefusion procedure.