Evidence of the occurrence of chemical interactions in blends of condensation polymersDuring recent decades, polymer blends have become of prime commercial importance [l]. Currently, they constitute over 30% of the polymer market. The blends of condensation polymers are of particular interest because of their unique ability to undergo interchange reactions (additional condensation and transreactions, called also exchange reactions or mid-chain reactions) [2]. The latter are reversible and can be performed either in the molten [2] or in the solid state (31 under appropriate conditions. Elevated temperatures between 180°C and 300°C and addition of catalysts are among the basic requirements in this respect. Although the study of transreactions started 50 years ago with the pioneer work of Flory [4], even now some details of the process are not completely understood. There is no common consent in the literature on the relative importance of the three possible mechanismsalcoholysis, acidolysis or direct ester exchange [5-121.Interchain reactions take place whenever the conditions required (appropriate temperatures and chemical compositions) are available. They occur in homopolycondensates, as can be concluded from the upgrading of molecular weight due to additional condensation; transactions have been convincingly confirmed by studying blends of protonated poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) (PET) with deuterium-labelled ( d 4 ) PET by small-angle neutron scat-
Transreactions in Condensation PolymersStoyho Fahirov copyright 0 WILEY-VCH Verlag GrnbH. 1999
Evidence derived fmm the behaviour of crystalline and amor-
IR study and weight control after selective extractionThe DSC and WAXS measurements described in Section 1.2 were performed with annealed PET/PA 6 blends without any further treatment. The same samples were also studied by IR spectroscopy after application of selective extraction, accompanied by weight control of the fractions. This phases phous phases