High-Order Methods for the Numerical Simulation of Vortical and Turbulent Flows Foreword This volume contains selected contributions presented at the EUROMECH Colloquium on "High-Order Methods for the Numerical Simulation of Vortical and Turbulent Flows" which was held in March 2003 near Darmstadt, Germany. The colloquium took place in the framework of a very fruitful, long-term cooperation of French and German research groups in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, and supported by CNRS and DFG.The main objective of the colloquium was to bring together researchers with interest in theoretical, computational, and applied aspects of high-order methods for the simulation of vortical and turbulent flows. Much progress has been achieved in this research field in recent years, and it appears to be promising with respect to enlarging the possibilities for a reliable and efficient simulation of complex problems in fluid dynamics.The papers in the present volume discuss current research and developments defining the state of the art in the field. The topics cover: spectral methods, pseudo-spectral methods, spectral-element methods, high-order finitevolume, finite-difference and finite-element methods, h-p finite-element methods, wavelet based methods, efficient solvers and preconditioners, involvement of multigrid, adaptive methods, parallel computing aspects, basic flow phenomena, and technical applications.Coming from the about twenty contributions given in Euromech Colloquium 446, 11 are published in this thematic issue. Other contributions were given by E. Krause, as guest speaker, W. Gerlinger, D. Krasnov. Details from the contributions by Bogey and Bailly [1], Roussel and Schneider [2], Serre et al. [3], Theofilis et al. [4] and Daru and Tenaud [5], have been published elsewhere.