In this work, we investigate the magnetic, heat capacity and electrical transport properties of Ce 0.6 La 0.4 Ge and Ce 0.24 La 0.76 Ge compounds. Our results show that two antiferromagnetic transitions (~ at 4.7 and 2.7 K) exhibited by Ce 0.6 La 0.4 Ge are suppressed below 1.8 K for Ce 0.24 La 0.76 Ge. Interestingly, for Ce 0.24 La 0.76 Ge, susceptibility, heat capacity and electrical resistivity vary with temperature as: T 0.75 , T 0.5 and T 1.6 respectively. The observation of such anomalous temperature variation suggests to the Non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior due to the presence of disordered 4f spins due to Ce-site dilution. Under the application of magnetic field, it is noted that a crossover from the NFL to a magnetic state occurs around 2 Tesla, where, short-range correlations among the spins is prevalent due to the dominance of coupling between the magnetic moments via conduction electrons. Magnetoresistance scaling indicates that behavior of disorder driven NFL state is described by the dynamical mean field theory of the spin glass quantum critical point.Introduction: -In the area of research on 4f electron based compounds, a challenge which remains elusive is to understand the physical properties of materials where singular interaction is mediated by soft collective modes. This investigation is important as the obtained results violate the applicability of Fermi-liquid (FL) theory [1-2]. The FL theory forms a basis to understand the electronic properties and according to this theory, electrical resistivity (ρ) varies as the square of temperature (T) and the ratio of heat capacity (C) and temperature i.e. C/T is constant [3][4].However, it has been noted in many 4f electron based compounds that the FL theory breaks down and shows a Non-Fermi-Liquid (NFL) behavior near quantum critical point (QCP). The ρ of such compound shows a linear behavior with T while, T variation of C/T is logarithmic [5][6][7][8].The observation of such NFL behavior might arise due to the presence of soft order parameter fluctuations resulting in singular interactions mediated between electrons [9][10][11]. In some