The double-controlled metric-type space (X,D) is a metric space in which the triangle inequality has the form D(η,μ)≤ζ1(η,θ)D(η,θ)+ζ2(θ,μ)D(θ,μ) for all η,θ,μ∈X. The maps ζ1,ζ2:X×X→[1,∞) are called control functions. In this paper, we introduce a novel generalization of a metric space called a double-composed metric space, where the triangle inequality has the form D(η,μ)≤αD(η,θ)+βD(θ,μ) for all η,θ,μ∈X. In our new space, the control functions α,β:[0,∞)→[0,∞) are composed of the metric D in the triangle inequality, where the control functions ζ1,ζ2:X×X→[1,∞) in a double-controlled metric-type space are multiplied with the metric D. We establish some fixed-point theorems along with the examples and applications.