In this paper, a low differential order model describing the dynamics of IMs with faulty stator is developed. The modelling is performed under well established idealizing assumptions regarding the magnetic and electrical properties of the motor. Typical motor faults as inter-turn short circuit and increased winding resistance are taken into account. The resulting model can be handled analytically and serve as a ground for fault detection and fault tolerant control of the IM. For each of the considered faults, very good agreement between simulations and experimental data collected from mass-produced industrial IMs is observed.
NomenclatureVariablesFor both the variables and parameters, a capital letter subscript refers to the corresponding stator axis in a conventional three-axis system. Similarly, a small letter subscript refers to the corresponding rotor axis. The units for the variables and parameters are SI-units which are omitted for the sake of clarity. Throughout the paper, bold capital letters stand for matrices, whereas small/capital letters denote scalars and vectors. Finally, differentiation with respect to time is denoted by the dot, i.e.ẋ = dx dt .