Pattern formation often occurs in spatially extended physical, biological and chemical systems due to an instability of the homogeneous steady state. The type of the instability usually prescribes the resulting spatio-temporal patterns and their characteristic length scales. However, patterns resulting from the simultaneous occurrence of instabilities cannot be expected to be simple superposition of the patterns associated with the considered instabilities. To address this issue we design two simple models composed by two asymmetrically coupled equations of non-conserved (Swift-Hohenberg equations) or conserved (Cahn-Hilliard equations) order parameters with different characteristic wave lengths. The patterns arising in these systems range from coexisting static patterns of different wavelengths to traveling waves. A linear stability analysis allows to derive a two parameter phase diagram for the studied models, in particular revealing for the Swift-Hohenberg equations a co-dimension two bifurcation point of Turing and wave instability and a region of coexistence of stationary and traveling patterns. The nonlinear dynamics of the coupled evolution equations is investigated by performing accurate numerical simulations. These reveal more complex patterns, ranging from traveling waves with embedded Turing patterns domains to spatio-temporal chaos, and a wide hysteretic region, where waves or Turing patterns coexist. For the coupled Cahn-Hilliard equations the presence of an weak coupling is sufficient to arrest the coarsening process and to lead to the emergence of purely periodic patterns. The final states are characterized by domains with a characteristic length, which diverges logarithmically with the coupling amplitude.Some chemical and biological systems exhibit competing pattern forming instabilities with different characteristic wave numbers. Often such a phenomenon is caused by the presence of different physical processes that appear on different length scales and cause patterns with different wavelengths. Here, we investigate two coupled Swift-Hohenberg (CH) equations as well as two coupled Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equations as minimal models for such multiscale pattern formation. The CH and the SH equations are partial differential equations describing the evolution of a conserved and a a non-conserved order parameter, respectively. While the spatial domains in the SH equation self-organize into stationary periodic structures, for the CH equation the domains exhibit a coarsening dynamics that finally yield a single large domain. The competition between two instabilities with different wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2 is analyzed for coupled SH equations as well as for coupled CH equations. In both cases, the coupling of equations with stationary instabilities (Turing or phase separation) can lead to wave dynamics. Moreover, coupled SH equations exhibit a region of coexistence of Turing and traveling patterns as well as more complex patterns. The coupling of two CH equations leads to the arrest of coarsening and to the e...