Abstract:The critical behaviour of many spin models can be equivalently formulated as percolation of specific site-bond clusters. In the presence of an external magnetic field, such clusters remain well-defined and lead to a percolation transition, even though the system no longer shows thermal critical behaviour. We investigate the 2-dimensional Ising model and the 3-dimensional O(2) model by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We find for small fields that the line of percolation critical points has the same functional form as the line of thermal pseudocritical points.Percolation theory [1,2] provides in many cases an elegant interpretation of the mechanism of second order phase transitions: the existence of an infinite spanning cluster represents the new order of the microscopic constituents of the system due to spontaneous symmetry breaking.In the Ising model, a rigorous correspondence between thermal critical behaviour and percolation was established by Coniglio and Klein [3]; the clusters are constructed by linking like-sign spins through a temperature-dependent bond probability p = 1 − exp(−2J/kT ), where J is the Ising coupling and T the temperature. This result has been recently extended to a wide class of models, from continuous spin Ising-like models [4,5] to O(n) models [6]. In all cases the system was considered in the absence of any external field. The reason for this is clear: by introducing an external field H, we explicitly break the symmetry of the Hamiltonian of the system, thus eliminating the thermal critical behaviour of the model. None of the thermodynamic potentials exhibits discontinuities of any kind, since the partition function is analytical for H = 0.On the other hand, the Coniglio-Klein clusters can be built as well when H =0. Because of the field, the system has a non-vanishing magnetization m parallel to the direction of H for any finite value of the temperature T . For T → ∞, m→ 0, and for T = 0, m = 1. This suggests that for a fixed value of H, the clusters will start to form an infinite network at some temperature T p (H). Varying the field H, one thus obtains a curve T p (H) in the T − H plane, the Kertész line [7].The Kertész line specifies the usual percolation threshold, just as in the case H = 0, and the percolation variables exibit the usual singularities, leading to a set of critical exponents. In particular, the percolation strength, which is the relative size of the percolation cluster compared to the total volume of the system, remains the order parameter of the percolation transition.