Generally, fungi accumulate radioactive Cs much more than higher
plants. Particularly, some species of fungi have been well-known to
selectively accumulate high amounts of radioactive Cs (134Cs, 137Cs) released by nuclear accidents in their fruiting
bodies compared with other species. This is a highly concerning issue
in the contaminated forest areas, because consumption of mushrooms
is one of the main routes of internal radiation for the residents
in addition to consumption of other contaminated forest foods. So
far, several investigations have focused on only one pigment molecule,
norbadione A, observed mainly inside the mushroom caps, selectively
complexing Cs cations, although there exists a huge variety of pigment
molecules inside mushrooms. Here, we examine systematically which
type of pigment molecules can selectively complex Cs cations by using
a state-of-the-art computational technique. We consequently find that
a symmetric scissors-like structure, formed with two equivalent pulvinic
acid moieties, is crucial for the Cs complexation selectivity, from
comparative analysis among four scissors-like pigments. We thus predict
that mushroom species including such symmetric scissors-like pigments
can retain high Cs radioactivity.