The adsorption of a flexible polyelectrolyte in a salt solution onto an oppositely charged spherical surface is investigated. An analytical solution is derived, which is valid for any sphere radius and consistently recovers the result of a planar surface in the limit of large sphere radii, by substituting the Debye-Hückel potential via the Hulthén potential. Expressions for critical quantities such as the critical radius and the critical surface charge density are provide. A comparison of our theoretical results with experiments and computer simulations yields remarkable good agreement. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.066103 PACS numbers: 68.43.De, 82.35.Rs The complexation of charged macroions by oppositely charged polyelectrolytes is a fundamental process in biological systems and many technical applications. Particular examples are the complexation of histone proteins by DNA in nucleosomal core particles [1,2] as well as complexes of polyelectrolytes with charged colloids and micelles [3]. Industrial applications are as diverse as stabilization of colloidal suspensions, water treatment, and paper making [4].The understanding of the complexation between a polyion and a macroion surface accompanied by screening effects due to counterions and salt posses a major theoretical challenge [5]. Despite significant efforts and progresses [5][6][7][8][9][10][11], the understanding of charged complexes is still unsatisfactory and lacks behind that of neutral complexes. Certain insight into the complexation process is typically obtained by approximation schemes, e.g., variational calculations [6 -9], which, however, may lead to controversial results [12] and often apply only in limiting situations such as pointlike particles [9] or large colloidal radii [6].The theoretical studies of the adsorption behavior of polyelectrolytes onto spherical surfaces [7,10,11,13,14] lead to the observation of a phase-transition-like behavior; i.e., a bound polymer state appears at certain critical conditions which depend on, e.g., the sphere radius and screening of the Coulomb interaction. The variational calculations of Muthukumar and his co-workers [6,8] have provided useful insight into this transition in the limit of large sphere radii. Experiments on polyelectrolyte-protein and -micelle complexes [15] and computer simulations [14], however, typically yield dependencies of the critical quantities on the Debye screening length which deviate from the theoretical predictions. To understand and interpret the experimental results correctly, an analytical solution of the adsorption problem valid for any sphere radius is mandatory.In this Letter, we will present an exact solution for the critical adsorption of a flexible polyelectrolyte onto an oppositely charged spherical macroion. Expressions for critical quantities are provided, which are valid for any sphere radius. In particular, in the limit of zero macroion curvature, the results for a planar surface are obtained. In general, we find a significantly different dependence of the critica...