The negative-valued molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) minima (V
min) observed in the substituted carbonyl
molecules are found to be a sensitive measure for the analysis of the electronic charge perturbations due to
the substituents. MESP topography of eight monosubstituted aliphatic carbonyl molecules (HCOR: R = H,
F, Cl, CN, OH, SH, NH2, CH3, CF3, NO2) [following Bobadova-Parvanova, P.; Galabov, B. J. Phys. Chem.
1998, 102, 1815] is carried out at the HF-SCF/6-31G** level for assessing this scheme. The V
min values
are seen to clearly reflect the changes due to the electron donating/withdrawing substituents. The electrostatic
potential for intermolecular complexation (EPIC) model is used for predicting the possible hydrogen-bonded
structures of the carbonyl molecules with the hydrogen fluoride. These complexes are further optimized at
the HF-SCF/6-31G** level of theory. An excellent linear correlation is obtained with EPIC energy and the
corresponding optimized interaction energy of the complex. Total correction to the ab initio SCF interaction
energy due to basis set superposition error and zero-point energy is found to be about 40% of the SCF interaction
energy. The HF molecule binds from the nonsubstituted sides of the HCOR molecules for RH, F, Cl, CN,
and CF3. On the other hand, it is seen to bind from the substituted side for ROH, SH, NH2, and CH3. The
effect of substitution on the charge distribution and on hydrogen bonding is discussed.