Glutamatergic synapses show large variations in strength and shortterm plasticity (STP). We show here that synapses displaying an increased strength either after posttetanic potentiation (PTP) or through activation of the phospholipase-C-diacylglycerol pathway share characteristic properties with intrinsically strong synapses, such as (i) pronounced short-term depression (STD) during high-frequency stimulation; (ii) a conversion of that STD into a sequence of facilitation followed by STD after a few conditioning stimuli at low frequency; (iii) an equalizing effect of such conditioning stimulation, which reduces differences among synapses and abolishes potentiation; and (iv) a requirement of long periods of rest for reconstitution of the original STP pattern. These phenomena are quantitatively described by assuming that a small fraction of "superprimed" synaptic vesicles are in a state of elevated release probability (p ∼ 0.5). This fraction is variable in size among synapses (typically about 30%), but increases after application of phorbol ester or during PTP. The majority of vesicles, released during repetitive stimulation, have low release probability (p ∼ 0.1), are relatively uniform in number across synapses, and are rapidly recruited. In contrast, superprimed vesicles need several seconds to be regenerated. They mediate enhanced synaptic strength at the onset of burst-like activity, the impact of which is subject to modulation by slow modulatory transmitter systems.posttetanic potentiation | short-term plasticity | calyx of Held | Munc13 | phorbol ester G lutamatergic synapses display a variety of dynamic changes in response to stimulation with action potential (AP) trains, ranging from immediate short-term depression to facilitation followed by depression (1). Both pharmacological (2-6) and molecular (7-9) perturbations have been described, which change such patterns from one to the other in a given synapse. Short-term plasticity (STP) has been shown to underlie many basic signal processing tasks of circuits in the central nervous system (10-13) and rapid changes of STP have been considered "... to be an almost necessary condition for the existence of (short-lived) activity states in the central nervous system" (ref. 14, p. 247). The balance between facilitation and depression is shifted during posttetanic potentiation (PTP) (15) and behavioral states are dynamically regulated by STP (16). Regulation occurs through slow, modulatory transmitter systems (17, 18). However, many open questions regarding the mechanisms underlying such changes remain. Modulation of presynaptic voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels by slow transmitter systems is probably the most powerful mechanism of changing release probability (p) of synaptic vesicles (SVs) (19)(20)(21). Changes in intrinsic [Ca 2+ ] i sensitivity of the release apparatus also contribute and have been investigated in the context of the phospholipase-C-diacylglycerol (PLC-DAG) signaling pathway (22-26) and posttetanic potentiation (15,(27)(28)(29)(30), but the infl...