We prove that the category M of abelian groups with a Polish cover introduced in collaboration with Bergfalk and Panagiotopoulos is the left heart of (the derived category of) the quasi-abelian category A of abelian Polish groups in the sense of Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne and Schneiders. Thus, M is an abelian category containing A as a full subcategory such that the inclusion functor A → M is exact and finitely continuous. Furthermore, M is uniquely characterized up to equivalence by the following universal property: for every abelian category B, a functor A → B is exact and finitely continuous if and only if it extends to an exact (and necessarily finitely continuous) functor M → B.We provide similar descriptions of the left heart of the following categories: non-Archimedean abelian Polish groups; (non-Archimedean) Polish G-modules, for a given Polish group or Polish ring G; Fréchet spaces over K for a given separable complete non-Archimedean valued field K.