We show that given an explicit description of a multiplayer game, with a classical verifier and a constant number of players, it is QMA-hard, under randomized reductions, to distinguish between the cases when the players have a strategy using entanglement that succeeds with probability 1 in the game, or when no such strategy succeeds with probability larger than 1 2 . This proves the "games quantum PCP conjecture" of Fitzsimons and the second author (ITCS'15), albeit under randomized reductions.The core component in our reduction is a construction of a family of two-player games for testing n-qubit maximally entangled states. For any integer n ≥ 2, we give such a game in which questions from the verifier are O(log n) bits long, and answers are poly(log log n) bits long. We show that for any constant ε ≥ 0, any strategy that succeeds with probability at least 1 − ε in the test must use a state that is within distance δ(ε) = O(ε c ) from a state that is locally equivalent to a maximally entangled state on n qubits, for some universal constant c > 0. The construction is based on the classical plane-vs-point test for multivariate low-degree polynomials of Raz and Safra (STOC'97). We extend the classical test to the quantum regime by executing independent copies of the test in the generalized Pauli X and Z bases over F q , where q is a sufficiently large prime power, and combine the two through a test for the Pauli twisted commutation relations.Our main complexity-theoretic result is obtained by combining this family of games with techniques from the classical PCP literature. More specifically, we use constructions of PCPs of proximity introduced by Ben-Sasson et al. (CCC'05), and crucially rely on a linear property of such PCPs. Another consequence of our results is a deterministic reduction from the games quantum PCP conjecture to a suitable formulation of the constraint satisfaction quantum PCP conjecture.give two alternate formulations of Theorem 1.2 that would also establish the same QMA-hardness result, under deterministic reductions, provided that either:(i) it is QMA-hard to approximate the minimum energy of a local Hamiltonian in Y-free form (Definition 6.8) to within constant accuracy (this is a variant of the quantum PCP conjecture for local Hamiltonians), or (ii) it is QMA hard to approximate the ground energy of (not necessarily local) frustration-free Hamiltonian whose every term is a tensor product of generalized Pauli τ X or τ Z observables.Note that point (i) amounts to a deterministic reduction from Conjecture 1.2 to the constraint satisfaction quantum PCP conjecture, and establishes the first proven relation between the two conjectures (see [GKP16] for an incomparable result that relates stronger variants of both conjectures). Point (ii) is arguably a weaker assumption, as the gap is not required to be a constant and the terms of the Hamiltonian are not required to be local. However, due to the restriction that the Hamiltonian is frustration-free, it is currently not known whether the problem is QMA...