A variety of associative algebras is called a non-matrix variety if it does not contain the algebra of 2 × 2 matrices over the base field K. There are some known characterizations of non-matrix varieties. We give some new characterizations in terms of properties of nilelements. Let V be a variety of associative algebras over an infinite field. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) V is a non-matrix variety, (2) any finitely generated algebra A ∈ V satisfies an identity of the form [x 1 , x 2 ] · · · [x 2s−1 , x 2s ] ≡ 0, (3) let A ∈ V; then for any nilelements a, b ∈ A, the element a + b is again a nilelement. Let E be the Grassmann algebra in countable many generators. We also give similar characterizations for non-matrix varieties over fields of characteristic zero that do not contain E or E ⊗ E.