Kinetically constrained models (KCM) are reversible interacting particle systems on Z d with continuous-time constrained Glauber dynamics. They are a natural nonmonotone stochastic version of the family of cellular automata with random initial state known as U -bootstrap percolation. KCM have an interest in their own right, owing to their use for modelling the liquid-glass transition in condensed matter physics.In two dimensions there are three classes of models with qualitatively different scaling of the infection time of the origin as the density of infected sites vanishes. Here we study in full generality the class termed 'critical'. Together with the companion paper by Martinelli and two of the authors [20] we establish the universality classes of critical KCM and determine within each class the critical exponent of the infection time as well as of the spectral gap. In this work we prove that for critical models with an infinite number of stable directions this exponent is twice the one of their bootstrap percolation counterpart. This is due to the occurrence of 'energy barriers', which determine the dominant behaviour for these KCM but which do not matter for the monotone bootstrap dynamics. Our result confirms the conjecture of Martinelli, Morris and the last author [26], who proved a matching upper bound.