The Journal has, in its 7th year, definitively secured its place in the midst of the European Gastroenterology landscape. In 2019, we have seen an increasing number of submissions, and the Editorial Board is certainly happy with the steady growth of the Journal. The intense competition for space is a driver for quality, but the other side of the coin is the inevitable rise in the number of rejections. This year, we rejected >80% of spontaneously submitted material, but I think that by doing so we are able to offer the readership of the United European Gastroenterology Journal a better product. That is reflected in our readership, as we have seen a >400% increase in the number of full text downloads since the beginning of the year. No doubt our presence on social media has contributed to that success. The United European Gastroenterology Journal is keen on serving its readers with material that has the potential to improve their clinical practice. 2 There are a number of areas with considerably large clinical practice variation that could benefit from better standardization. 3-5 With continuously increasing information density, many appreciate seeing decisive papers such as clinical guidelines in the United European Gastroenterology Journal. Rightly so, guidelines and position papers continue to enjoy huge popularity with our readership. Indeed, the United European Gastroenterology Journal maintains a firm focus on standards and guidelines, and has partnered up with leading European Gastroenterology societies to create a repository. 6 The goal of this effort is to unite European-based clinical practice guidelines, clinical standards, consensus, position papers and standard protocols on digestive health. 7,8 This repository can be accessed online guidelines/. The Quality of Care Task Force headed by Wafaa Khannoussi is instrumental in coordinating this effort. The Task Force oversees the repository, and has identified gaps in the topics covered. The United European Gastroenterology provides grant support for projects that fill these gaps, and this is of real benefit