SUMMARY Data were collected prospectively on 7553 consecutive patients undergoing coronary arteriography. The studies were performed at 13 clinics of the Collaborative Study of Coronary Artery Surgery (CASS) using brachial and femoral techniques.There were eight deaths 0-24 hours and seven deaths 24-48 hours after arteriography (2/1000). There were 15 non-fatal myocardial infarctions (MIs) 0-24 hours and four MIs 24-48 hours after arteriography (2.5/1000). Of 657 cases with left main stenosis 50%, five died and three had MI. Left main disease increased risk of desth by 6.8 times (p < 0.001). Other factors increasing risk were unstable angina, congestive heart failure, multiple prematurs ventricular contractions, and hypertension.Of the 1187 patients studied fr;om the brachial artery, six died (0.51%) and five had MIs (0.42%). In 6328 patients studied from the femoral artery, nine died (0.14%) and 14 had MIs (0.22%). The brachial artery technique increased the risk of death 3.6 times compared with the femoral approach (p < 0.05). This result did not apply when analysis was yestricted to laboratories with 80% or more brachial procedures. Risk was not altered by heparin. I'hus, a prospective, multicenter analysis of complications reveals low risk of coronary arteriography but significant difference between two techniques. SELECTIVE CORONARY ARTERIOGRAPHY is a commonly performed diagnostic procedure. A comprehensive understanding of the risk of selective coronary arteriography requires a prospective, multiinstitutional evaluation of consecutive patients undergoing this procedure. Evaluation of the factors which increase the risk of arteriography necessitates knowledge of the clinical and laboratory findings in each patient studied.The data we report were collected prospectively on consecutive patients undergoing coronary arteriography in 13 institutions as part of the Collaborative Studies in Coronary Artery Surgery (CASS), funded by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare through the National Institutes of Health. The paiticipating institutions include university hospitals and large and medium-sized private medical centers. Enough patients were studied by the brachial and femoral artery techniques to compare the risk associated with each approach.
MethodsCASS is a large collaborative c;inical trial designed to evaluate the efficacy of coronary artery bypass surgery. Every patient who undergoes coronary arteriography for suspected coronary artery disease in one of the 15 participating clinics is a candidate for the registry and is followed at regular intervals over a 5-year period. Each patient must give informed consent before being entered into the study.