A 16-year-old girl was accidentally kicked in her right eye by her cheerleading teammate in an exercise. Upward gaze ability of her right eye was severely impaired and computed tomography (CT) showed a trapdoor fracture of the right orbital floor. After surgical exploration, a silicone implant was inserted. No bleeding was confirmed at this time. The next day, CT detected a hematoma on the right orbital floor. The hematoma was drained and meticulous cautery was used to control any potential bleeding. The same silicone implant was re-inserted. Irrespective of attempts to avoid hemorrhage, this occurred twice after the respective evacuations. During a fourth operation, we removed the silicone implant simultaneously with hematoma evacuation. No hematoma has occurred since, and the patient's ocular movement has dramatically improved to a normal binocular single vision field. When repeated hemorrhages occur after an orbital floor fracture repair with insertion of a silicone implant, removal of the implant is an effective strategy to resolve the hemorrhage.