A blood count showed a haemoglobin of 14.2 g.% ; white blood cells 18,000/c.mm. (neutrophils 9%, lymphocytes 7%, glandularfever type cells, 84%). The Paul-Bunnell heterophile antibody test was positive in a 1/1,280 titre of unabsorbed serum, positive in a 1/1,280 titre of serum absorbed with guinea-pig kidney emulsion, and positive in less than 1/10 titre of serum after absorption with ox-blood cells. Liver function tests showed 530 umol./hr./100 ml. of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (normal range 22-92), 270 jumol./hr./100 ml. of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (normal range 35-107), and 848 b'mol./100 ml. of serum alkaline phosphatase (normal range 156-576); these results suggested hepatic cellular necrosis. A throat swab did not reveal any pathogenic organisms. A radiograph of the chest was dear. The C.S.F. pressure was 170 mm. and the C.S.F. protein 70 mg./100 ml.; only one lymphocyte was seen per c.mm. Tissue culture failed to demonstrate any virus in the faeces, and virus complement fixation tests were negative in several blood samples.