During a recent 5‐year period, 74 patients were fitted with an Angelchik antireflux prosthesis for symptomatic reflux esophagitis. Seventy‐five percent of 28 patients in the initial series (series 1) have had excellent to very good response to the prosthesis, as indicated by a clinical follow‐up of 36–60 mo. The main cause of failure in this series was prosthesis disruption (4 of 28 patients). Ninety‐two percent of 46 patients in the more recent series (series 2) have had excellent to very good response to prosthesis placement. The new prosthesis design, which includes a circumferential strap, has completely eliminated prosthesis disruption. Of the total series of patients, 19% of patients experienced transient dysphagia. This complication was no longer significant by 6 mo postoperatively, and no prostheses have had to be removed because of this complication. There have been no instances of erosion of the prosthesis. In addition to clinical data, lower esophageal sphincter measurements and recently, 24‐hr ambulatory pH monitoring have demonstrated a physiological effect of reflux protection after prosthesis placement. In our experience, the Angelchik prosthesis has been especially useful in high‐risk patients, patients who have recurrent esophagitis after previous antireflux or foregut surgery, and patients who would probably not have been referred for conventional antireflux surgery. In view of our data, we believe that the Angelchik prosthesis should continue to be commercially available as a surgical option for treating selected patients with medically refractory reflux esophagitis.