©FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br Genetics and Molecular Research 19 (4): gmr18597 T.A. da Silva et al. 2 texture (TEX) and glucose (GLUC); and moderate for secondary growth (GRO), shape (SHA), dry mass (DM), general appearance (APP), percentage of commercial tubers mass (PCM), curvature (CUR), size uniformity (SIU), shape uniformity (SHU)) and mean tuber mass (MTM). GLUC, SHA, TEX and APP showed superiority of the genotypic coefficient of variation (CVg) in relation to the residual coefficient of variation (CVe), for these characters. The highest CVg-CVe ratios were obtained for SIU, PCM, SHU, DM and GRO. In the light of this study, it is suggested that strong selection pressure can be applied to the characters GLUC, SHA, TEX and APP, and moderate selection pressure to SIU, PCM, SHU, DM, and GRO.