In this work, we extend the Constructive Cryptography (CC) framework introduced by Maurer in 2011 so as to handle interactive protocols. We design and construct a so-called Interactive Server Memory Resource (ISMR), that is an augmented version of the basic instantiation of a client-server protocol in CC, namely the Server Memory Resource. We then apply our ISMR construction to two types of interactive cryptographic protocols for remote storage : Updatable Encryption (UE) and Private Information Retrieval (PIR). Concerning UE, our results are a composable version of those protocols, clarifying the security guarantees achieved by any UE scheme. Namely, we give the relevant security notion to consider according to a given leakage context. Letting USMR denote our ISMR adapted to the UE application, we prove that IND-UE-CPA security is sufficient for a secure construction of a confidential USMR that hides the age of ciphertexts; and IND-(ENC+UPD)-CPA security is sufficient for a secure construction of a confidential USMR in case of unrestricted leakage. As a consequence, contrary to what was claimed before, the IND-UE security notion is not always stronger than the IND-(ENC + UPD) one. Another contribution to CC is a method of proof handling asymmetric challenges, namely game pairs of the form (m, c), i.e. (plaintext, ciphertext), where the oracle either answers an encryption of m or an update of c. Those occur for instance when proving IND-UE-CPA security. Concerning PIR, we also give a composable version of PIR protocols, yielding a unique model that unifies different notions of PIR : IT-PIR, C-PIR, one-or multi-server PIR. Using the flexibility of CC, we are also able to model PIR variants, such as SPIR.CC is a composable framework that was introduced by Maurer [33]. Its topdown approach makes it very intuitive and nice to work with. Badertscher and Maurer [5] first used it in the outsourced storage setting to clarify some security models and build protocols in a modular fashion. Jost et al. [25] introduced the notion of global event history to the theory and give a first treatment of adaptive security. This work was then pursued [24] by introducing interval-wise security guarantees in order to find a way to overcome impossibility results such as the commitment problem.We extend this model by introducing and modeling interactivity in CC. We make this possible by proposing new ways of using of so-called converters and simulators. We illustrate the power and the flexibility of our model on two privacy preserving and interactive schemes : Updatable Encryption (UE) and Private Information Retrieval (PIR). We make their modeling possible by introducing a new proof technique. We think that our treatment of interactivity in CC will permit to more easily build and to better understand the security guarantees of interactive protocols.Updatable Encryption. UE allows a client, who outsourced his encrypted data, to make an untrusty server update it. The huge real-life applications of such a functionality explains the recent ...